Aurélie Chavas

Founder of the podcast Let’s Glow Green

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Her story...


Aurélie is a 40 years old woman, married with 2 kids and living in Paris for more than 15 years. She is completely passionate about beauty since she ended Business School.

She created an eshop in 2017, “Detox & Moi”, that she sold and just launched her beauty podcast #clean #green “Lets Glow Green”.

She loves doing sport (Bikram Yoga), eating undone her feelings and healthy (She’s veggie), being in contact with the ocean (She loves Diving) and is addicted to sun & palm trees : a real Californian Girl !

Find out more about Aurélie through her Beauty Interview.

You can also follow Aurélie on Instagram @lilyfromparis and discover her new Beauty podcast here @lets_glow_green.

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